What's that about "You can plan all you want but here's a curveball for you"?

Wow. It's almost the end of May and here I am sitting on my front porch at almost 10pm at night relaxing before bed after a busy day. Lots has...
May 28, 2024 — Janet Ball

Time for a Change! 2024 Changes and Goals

Wow.  It's been entirely too long since I sat down and wrote to you, my wonderful Sassy Crew Members.  Thank you so much to all of my clients for their...
January 15, 2024 — Janet Ball
Springtime beauty

Springtime beauty

Spring bright colors and warmth bring vibrancy to our dresses and tops we can add to your closet!!
April 13, 2023 — Janet Ball

It's Been Awhile...Holidays are Upon Us

Hi.  I hope your summer and fall were and are blessed.  My past few months have become busier and busier.  I have continued to spend most afternoons after preschool with my favorite person,...
November 15, 2022 — Janet Ball

Summer is Almost Over so Time for Clearing Out

Sometimes life just inundates you with so much you feel like your shoulders are full and you don't know how you can possibly handle more. My birthday came and went...
August 04, 2022 — Janet Ball

T-Minus 6 Days and Counting Until My Birthday

Only days away from my 52nd trip around the sun, I reflect on what the year behind has held and what the year ahead will hopefully hold.
June 28, 2022 — Janet Ball

End of May already? These are my favorite pieces so far!

My goodness where has time gone? How can it already be the end of May?  The first three months of J Be Sassy Boutique have been exciting and fun to...
May 31, 2022 — Janet Ball

Warmth, Sunshine, Aaahchoo!!

I love when the days get longer and the sunshine gets warmer, birds sing and flowers bloom, but my goodness, pollen is so not my friend!  I always make sure...
May 10, 2022 — Janet Ball

Yes, at Times Life Can Be a Bit Overwhelming

So much going on and not enough hours or energy to do it all?  Yep? You too?  Man, I feel like this month flew by and here we are with...
April 29, 2022 — Janet Ball

Treasure Life

As I type this, a family in our hometown is grieving the loss of 4 young members.  As I type this, my daughter and her fiance' are spending precious moments...
April 19, 2022 — Janet Ball

Eclectic ....This is the perfect word to describe me and my boutique!

Late last week I was having a discussion with my daughter about what I needed to do to grow my boutique.  I told her I had new items that had...
April 09, 2022 — Janet Ball

Happy Two Months to J Be Sassy!

It's so hard to believe that it's been two full months since J Be Sassy Boutique first went live online!  We have been so appreciative of the support our boutique...
April 02, 2022 — Janet Ball