When I was a teenager in high school, I was supposed to be taking notes in class, but instead, had all sorts of drawings in the margins of my notebook paper...drawings of outfits, jewelry, shoes, just anything except the notes on biology or history or English that should have been my focus.  I actually had a friend who sat behind me in class predict that one day I would have my own jewelry business and she was proved true years ago as I have JB Designs 46 Jewelry on Etsy that I began in my mid-40s.  But, it wasn't until after my daughter began her own boutique that I began contemplating creating one myself.  The things my daughter carries in her boutique are cute and perfect for her clientele which includes lots of friends her age.  But, my friends, most of us being in our 50s, are at a bit different of a point in our lives.  We have different focuses on clothing like "do the jeans come up to my waist, does the shirt cover my muffin top, does the skirt fall long enough that if I didn't shave my legs this week, no one will notice", etc.  So, in thinking about the sizes and styles of my friends as well as their focus being like mine on family, faith, and a sense of classy modesty but with some sass, J Be Sassy Boutique was born.  

J Be Sassy's goal is to cater to the 30+ woman, especially us in our 50s, that refuse to grow old, but don't want people to think we are trying to be teenagers again either by what we wear.  You will not find jeans with lots of holes or lots of rough edges in my store.  The shirts, blouses, and sweaters I choose will look cute with jeans or slacks or even skirts.  The dresses won't be low cut nor too short and lots of the skirts will be long as that's what I like.  Fabrics will vary as will how to launder them, but you won't find anything that says "dry clean only" if I can help it as that's a pain to have to deal with!  Another thing important to me is my faith and J Be Sassy will add lots of faith based pieces as we grow.  My faith is important to me and has seen me through a lot of hardships in my life, so I do not hesitate to share it, and will do so through the jewelry, t-shirts, and eventually other items that express my love for Jesus that I will carry in my store.  

Giving back? Well, J Be Sassy has only been around for a week, but I'm excited about giving back to my community through future partnerships with a couple of organizations I have in mind.  I want to give women a hand up, not a hand out.  I think every woman wants to be seen as strong and capable and determined.  I know this was how my own Mom was after my parents divorced.  She just refused to allow the minimal income and lack of being able to afford fancy stuff stop her.  She charged forward and changed her life and gave me an example of fighting hard with very little except a whole bucket full of faith that Jesus would see her through!  I know there are many deserving women out there like her, so I plan to give back in whatever way will help them most as my business grows.

Thank you for taking time to read about the birth of J Be Sassy Boutique.  I hope you will find something you love....but if you don't, I wish you a blessed day. I also hope that perhaps you'll follow my store, my Facebook page, and my Instagram and even email me and let me know what you're looking for so that perhaps I can add it to my list!

Until next time.....be blessed and stay Sassy!! <3


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