So much going on and not enough hours or energy to do it all?  Yep? You too?  Man, I feel like this month flew by and here we are with a brand new month beginning on Sunday and summertime and graduations almost upon us.... My future son-in-law is graduating with his Master's degree soon and my oldest daughter, his future wife, is graduating with her Massage Therapy Certificate at the end of June.  My youngest has decided to stay at college and take courses this summer and also work....I think she has relished her freedom a bit this past  But I am sad because I thought we would have one last summer with her here at home with us.  But little birds must fly...only I wasn't quite ready for her to.  My middle one is graduating in a sense from an online adventure to something different and my granddaughter is getting taller, smarter, and more sassy every single day!  I look in the mirror and see age catching up with me, but then I'm grateful too....I have classmates that did not get to see this age I will turn this summer.  Life is precious and when things do seem overwhelming, it's good to stop and think and remember and recall and just realize the fortunate things you do have....even if patience and stamina isn't among them...

What do you do to keep from feeling overwhelmed?  Any key ideas that you focus on?  Anything that you do that you find relaxation in?  I'd love to hear your thoughts, so comment and let me know.  I'm all ears. :)

Stay Sassy and blessings to you and yours! <3


April 29, 2022 — Janet Ball

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