T-Minus 6 Days and Counting Until My Birthday
Well, I'm 359 days into my 51st year of life and soon the number will tick up to 52. What has the year behind me held and what will the year ahead hold? My goodness, where to start. First of all, many blessings. It's always good to be grateful as that leads to hopefulness for the future.
God has certainly blessed us with many things including a future son-in-law with our oldest daughter's engagement, time spent spoiling our amazing little granddaughter, watching our middle daughter make her dream of owning her own storefront come to life while aweing us as she holds a full-time job, and watching our youngest advance in her college life to be on track to graduate just after her 21st birthday next year. I was given the go-ahead by my husband and family to give my dream of having my own fashion "store" online a chance to become reality and as a team, my husband and I are beginning plans to renovate our downstairs the way we've wanted to for the better part of the 21 years we have lived in our house.
Negative side...well, we, like everyone else, have had relatives and friends pass away, we've dealt with illness ourselves, we've gulped deeply as we watched higher numbers roll upward at the gas pump, grocery stores, and restaurants. We, like so many, have cut back on frivolous purchases like the old but new to us convertible we want (middle age crisis as a couple desire). So, the wallet strings have been tightened but we also are able to help our daughter pay for wedding needs and our youngest, her college expenses, along with our middle one getting lots of free babysitting that I am so grateful to be here to provide. I tell you, there's nothing like that squeeze and snuggle you get from your favorite little person as it always seems to come just when you need it!
So, enough of any hint of negative.
So what's to be hopeful of in the year to come? Well, I pray that we, J Be Sassy, will be able to continue, as a boutique, to provide special new Mommies or Mommies in need, help through the Davie Pregnancy Care Center. So far, we've been able to treat two very special Mommies to a new dress or outfit of their choosing. You can see more on our link with the DPCC in our footer section labeled Giving Back to our Community. It's important to reach out to those Mommies who may be struggling in some way and trying to raise little ones, to give them a bit of hope through a new outfit just for them. It's just one little way to show the love of Christ to others....and I am so appreciative of God bringing them to the forefront at a point when I was trying to decide what to do to give back to those younger than me as my boutique grows.
What else will be in the year ahead before I reach the week before my 53rd birthday....hmmm....well, my oldest graduates with her Massage Therapy license and will quickly see me become a regular client, another big event for my oldest is her wedding next May, our middle daughter celebrating a year of having her storefront open and she and her husband celebrating their 5th wedding anniversary, and the anniversary of J Be Sassy being in existence for a year next February just after our precious granddaughter's birthday. The year ahead will also see my husband and I celebrating 34 years together and 31 of them married, the renovation of our breakfast area at a minimum, hopefully the expansion of my pantry and removal of all carpeting and replacement of the flooring downstairs as well. So, lots to stay busy with for sure.
BUT....I also am hopeful that in the year ahead, my boutique will grow. That my friends and family will look to my boutique as their local, trusted go-to for good quality pieces for their closets...something that is bright, beautiful, and makes them happy when they wear it! I am hopeful that I can continue my original business of my Etsy jewelry shop as well, but a lot of that depends on my tremor....it has gotten worse but I won't let it get the best of me. It's worse when I am working with tedious things so I don't know what to expect, but I'm not losing hope. That's partly why I took the leap and began my boutique earlier this year....I can still handle clothes even if I no longer have the dexterity for beadwork....see, thinking ahead....planning ahead....I have faith, hope, determination, resilience, and a colorful back 48 to look forward to!
Happiness is yours for the taking, don't chase it, see beyond the gray and watch your future glisten in the light.
Blessings to you and yours! Stay Sassy my friends!