About Us
J Be Sassy Boutique's planning stages began right after the owner, Janet Ball, turned 51 years old. But first, a little about Janet just so you know who she is. Janet has lived all but 4 1/2 years of her life in Davie County, North Carolina and is a proud Mom of three and Mimi to one. She and her husband, Brad, have been married for 31 years this year. Janet has worked in various jobs over the years but has been primarily a stay-at-home Mom. She was always involved in her daughters' schools and athletic events and is a very enthusiastic cheerleader of her favorite Davie High War Eagle's teams!
J Be Sassy Boutique was inspired by Janet's daughter's boutique that caters to the younger set. Janet loved the items her daughter's boutique had, but many of the styles were not appropriate for women in Janet's age bracket or that were a bit more like Janet in taste and style. So, Janet decided that she needed to create a boutique that helped women in the middle and upper age bracket to find beautiful, comfortable, stylish clothing that would cater more to their needs whether for work, wearing at home, casual evenings, family get togethers or church functions.
For as long as she can remember, Janet always doodled on the edges of her papers for school...clothing and jewelry and flowers and such. But her love of design for clothing and jewelry never changed in all 51 years of her life. So, feeling like the sassy teenager her Mom always told her she was, Janet created J Be Sassy Boutique in the hopes of helping women like herself to feel happy, confident, and inspired by the clothing they find and order from within the pages online.
In all things, in all ways, though, whatever happens with the boutique, it is important to Janet that she gives thanks to her Lord and Savior without whom nothing like this could be possible. Janet's strong faith in Jesus gives her courage to strive to help all women, no matter their age or size or style. Janet considers all of her "sassy" customers her "sisters" and many are already becoming like family.
We hope you love our Sassy clothes and accessories. We appreciate feedback via email or posts in our J Be Sassy Boutique's Sassy Crew group on Facebook. We pray you are blessed and know that each item you purchase from us not only is appreciated but also goes towards us in turn helping to outfit a new Mommy who is working with Davie Pregnancy Care Center as she struggles with new responsibilities of motherhood. What better way to give back than to give back to the next and newest generations behind us! :)
Follow our blog posts if you'd like to! Some are longer than others, some more meaningful and inspiring or emotional and touching.
Stay Sassy and God's blessings to you and yours!